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What's Your Aura Saying?

What's Your Aura Saying?

Take the 60 second quiz to find out how to what your AURA is saying right now! 

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Intuitive guidance to help you live your most colorful life. 

spirit portraits, aura readings, community

Experiences to Empower 
Your Spirit

tell me more

A self guided workbook to create calm through guided meditations, art prompts, journaling and understanding how color heals

color your calm - art for anxiety

Best Selling Workbooks

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Get the guide that introduces you to color, chakra and the hidden healing energy of color in your world! 

Color and Chakra Guide

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Customer Support


how often do you hold workshops?

1x per quarter you'll find my free Healing Art Workshops
1x per month, I'll hold a live healing art workshop; topic varies each month
1x quarter, I'll hold an Amplify Your Inner Rainbow Cohort 

can i get the replay?

Absolutely! After each class I'll send out the replay to enjoy; you can keep this for life! 

What Is your Exchange policy?

I don't offer returns or exchanges since you get instant access to digital courses. 

Do You Have An Affiliate Program?

I'm working on it! Thanks for asking. 

Do you offer payment plans?

Sure do! You can enjoy payment plans on Amplify Your Inner Rainbow Courses and original artworks. 


My goal is to help you do the same! Join me for monthly workshops, healing art courses and more. 

A recovering people pleaser, I've been working with the healing energy of art, color and meditation to elevate my vibe and increase my intuition. 

I thrive on bright, colorful canvases and sushi rolls.


Hello There!

Kathleen O

The whole experience of
working with Heather from start to finish was healing and inspiring. She truly possesses
special gifts of connection and creativity 
that make you feel seen honored, and loved. 

Rose w. 

The intuitive messages that came through resonated with me and she validated a lot of what I have been experiencing but just quite couldn’t put a finger on. Everything made so much sense to me. I really love how she was able to tune into my energy and explore my personal chakras to give me a reading. I am going to frame my portrait and meditate with it every day. It was truly spectacular. She is so gifted.”

Greg L.

Heather Eck is a courageous guide with tremendous energetic insight. Working with me, she immediately painted a red shape and identified how much it looked like a human heart. I recently had a CT scan (of my heart) and learned that I have zero arterial plaque (so I've been both focused on, and proud of, my heart health)! 

Maria g.

I am so grateful for my Spirit Portrait and my intimate session with Heather. My piece is intensely personal and it confirmed for me that I am doing the proper internal work to gain my heart's desire. The intuitive session and all of its messages were truly life-affirming. 


What People Are Saying



Spirit Portraits

Working with the energy of color has amplified my inner rainbows (chakras) and enabled me to live a richer, fuller life. I want to help you do the same. 

Ready to level up your life? 

Let's Work together

For tips and updates follow me on Insta @heathereckartist

the Gram

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© 2024 Heather eck artist, llc all rights reserved. privacy policy. site by sugar studios + Showit

What's Your Aura Saying?

Take the 60 second quiz to find out how to what your AURA is saying right now! 

Take the Quiz